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Digitize paper documents and scans with OCR

Leverage the digital workplace by digitizing paper and scanned documents for storage and quick, reliable retrieval or to instantly reuse and edit. Experience the unparalleled accuracy of the market-leading AI-based optical character recognition (OCR) technology, and see how it simplifies your paperwork.

Available for FineReader PDF for Mac

Digitize documents into searchable PDFs

Easily digitize documents into searchable PDFs so you can quickly retrieve them from digital archives and access the information they contain. FineReader PDF for Mac® supports the PDF/A format, the standard for long-term archiving, with conformance levels and their variants from PDF/A-1 to PDF/A-3.

Reuse and edit

With quick conversion scenarios, you can turn paper and scanned files into documents in Microsoft® Word®, Excel®, Apache OpenOffice, and other popular applications. ABBYY’s AI-based OCR and document-conversion technologies ensure high levels of accuracy and maintain true layout and structure for further effortless editing and reusing.

Advanced document conversion

Manage the text recognition and document conversion process in detail. Advanced conversion tools and options enable enhanced document conversion with the flexibility that a specific document and task may require.

Use Image Editor tools to enhance scanned and photographed document images for better conversion results. With powerful layout tools, you can adjust the size, position, and shape of text, picture, and table areas; add or delete areas; change area types; fine-tune table structures; and define text properties even for individual areas. This allows you to maintain the layout of the document as close to the original as possible and further improves accuracy and consistency.

Save storage space

Reduce the file size of your PDF documents multiple times by applying mixed raster content (MRC) compression, without noticeable decrease of visual quality.

Make document content accessible for text-to-speech utilities

With FineReader PDF, all you have to do is convert paper documents or PDFs into a supported electronic format and they will automatically be accessible via text-to-speech utilities.

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Experience ABBYY FineReader PDF